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Become a Member

Join us in the movement for Peace rooted in Justice!

Welcome to BPFNA-Bautistas por la Paz. We are thrilled that you are interested in joining us in our vision to create a world in which God’s justice is enacted in various ways locally, nationally, and globally. We recognize that we need each other to do this work in a world that is seemingly disconnected from the struggles for justice people face around the globe. Justice-seekers often feel alone. The community that has grown out of BPFNA-Bautistas por la Paz is involved on many fronts, and we are certain you can find a place of support and belonging while working with us as we live out our commitment to peace rooted in justice.

Make a donation using the form below to become a new member. You can also mail your donation to BPFNA, 300 Hawthorne Ln, Suite 205, Charlotte, NC 28204.*

Our suggested membership amounts are below, but please give what you can - more or less than the suggested amount:

Please also complete our new member survey so we can learn more about you, your interests and additional ways you would like to get involved in our work.

*We understand that not everyone may be in a position to donate financially to our work. That’s ok! If this describes you at this time in your life, please fill out the new member survey and select the non-monetary ways you would like to be involved in our organization. We are grateful for all the ways you support our work of peace rooted in justice.