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from Jobs with Justice

One: We come to worship a God whom we have experienced as compassion.

All: We have grown to trust this God in both the joyful and hard places of life.

One: We come to worship and know that something is required of us, that we do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

All: We come accepting both the compassion and call to a higher righteousness.

One: We come on this day to remember that "Work Matters to God," "Workers Matter to God," and "Wages Matter to God."(1)

All: We come to sing, pray, hear the spoken word and encounter the Living Word that we might be shaped by all that matters to our Creator God.

(1) Taken from sermon series preached by The Reverend Keith Stewart of Spring Creek Church in Garland, TX.



from Jobs with Justice

One: It's time to put away smugness, clichés, and worn out self-serving political sound bites. It is time to get honest before God.



from Jobs with Justice

We find ourselves talking about fairness at the office with students in the classroom, at family gatherings, and at other social engagements.

We confess that our focus is usually upon what is fair for us. The injustice we want to have corrected is one which we perceive pertains to us.

We hardly give thought to or feel concerned about the many simple injustices we choose not to see as we go about our business.

We fail to think about those sanitation workers coming down our alleys in the early morning hours or their welfare. We don't want to know that they are mere products of outsourcing by our local governments -- ones who work hard jobs for minimal wage without benefit or even worker's compensation.

We stand at the fast food counter and order foods processed by someone living on the margins of society, paid little and threatened often to work harder. We face the employee with whom we place our order and see them not as children of God deserving dignity and justice in the workplace, rather we choose not to fully see them at all.

We've come to accept injustice and unfairness as a norm with which we can live.

Forgive us, O God, for we have settled for a system that does not reflect what you intend in your realm. We settle for talking heads who justify our ways of doing business, political lackeys whose values are mostly unexamined lest it impact their ambitions, and sadly, we settle for what is convenient to us.

Reshape us and give us a burning within so that simply "settling" will no longer rule our hearts and lives.

Let it be, O Holy One, please let it be.



from Jobs with Justice

One: What has been in the past does not have to define the future. God's grace can transform you, will transform you. Receive this good news and move in a new direction.



from Jobs with Justice

One: The witness of the holy writ is clear; to whom much is given, much is required. Let this truth settle upon us as a deeply held desire to love one another as God has loved us.



from Jobs with Justice

We commit ourselves and these offerings unto you, O God of grace and God of glory, that your will and ways may be manifested in our lives, within your assemblies, and spread forth that the powers that be might serve your purposes.



from Jobs with Justice

Now as you go from this place, go to fulfill God's purposes that all may know of God's love, and that by seeking justice and mercy for all of God's people within our homes, neighborhoods, communities, cities, and nations, God's realm will be seen, known, and experienced now and throughout the ages.   



Where Are Liberty and Justice?
Amos 4:1, 5:11-12, 24; Proverbs 1:20-23, 3:13-18

Where are liberty and justice when so many live in need?
Let us rise to caring action, showing faith and love through deeds.
Holy Wisdom, give us courage; help us be Your prophets bold,
joining You to end oppression, truth and fairness to uphold.

Now the rich are growing richer, while the poor cry in distress;
heads of corporations flourish, while the poor have less and less.
Millions suffer unemployment; many more are underpaid;
give us power, Holy Wisdom, so that changes can be made.

How unjust that some make millions, crushing others with their greed,
basic rights of workers flaunting, never hearing those in need.
Holy Wisdom, come to help us; give us power to unite,
moving hearts and changing systems, joining hands to work for right.

Holy Wisdom, send us forward, working for equality,
economic fairness bringing, making dreams reality.
As we join with those who suffer, fill us with Your loving care;
may we take Your peaceful pathways, bringing justice everywhere.

Words © 2011 Jann Aldredge-Clanton -- EBENEZER or BEACH SPRING D



We Hear the Cries of Millions

Amos 5:11-12, 21-24

We hear the cries of millions, weighed down with stress and strain;
the rich are growing richer; the poor cry out in pain.
Come, Sister-Brother Spirit, and help us all unite,
to join in loving kindness and faith to work for right.

Now jobs are getting scarcer, while corporations thrive;
the unemployed are struggling to keep their hope alive.
Come, Brother-Sister Spirit, and guide us to be fair,
to change oppressive systems so everyone will share.

Join hands for jobs with justice, with workers’ rights ensured,
with safe and fair conditions, health care for all secured.
Come, Sister-Brother Spirit, and fill us with Your power;
inspire our words and actions in this most urgent hour.

Now let us work together to bring equality,
so all are fully nourished to be all we can be.
Let justice roll like waters, like everflowing streams;
come, Brother-Sister Spirit, awaken hopes and dreams.

Words © 2011 Jann Aldredge-Clanton -- PASSION CHORALE, or AURELIA, or ANGEL’S STORY, or WHITFIELD D



Rise and Speak Out

Proverbs 1:20-23, 3:13-18; Luke 4:18

When we look all around, unemployment abounds,
and we’re filled with distress, fear, and doubt.
Then we hear Wisdom say, “We can show a new way.”
And She leads us to rise and speak out.

There are millions in need, crushed by others with greed,
who abuse and oppress with their clout.
Wisdom calls us to go, and Her justice to show,
and She leads us with love to speak out.

There’ll be fairness and peace; workers’ rights will increase,
when we wake up and hear Wisdom shout.
Let us come and unite, working daily for right;
join together to rise and speak out.

Rise up and shout,
for it’s time to speak out;
let us cry out for justice;
let us rise and speak out.

Words © 2011 Jann Aldredge-Clanton -- TRUST AND OBEY -- Irregular



Join Together, Work for Justice
Proverbs 3:15-18

Join together, work for justice, caring for all workers’ plights,
changing stifling sexist customs; women’s rights are human rights;
call for equal pay and access; women’s rights are workers’ rights.
Holy Wisdom guides our labor, giving strength all day and night.

Come together now for action; male and female all unite;
joining hands for jobs with justice, labor for all human rights.
Holy Wisdom guides us forward, shows new patterns to arrange;
follow Her transforming pathways, making peace, inspiring change.

Join together now in circles, sacred space for every voice,
working for a world of justice, equal rights and equal choice.
Sharing liberating stories, we create the world anew;
Holy Wisdom guides our vision, giving all Her glorious view.

Words © 2014 Jann Aldredge-Clanton AUSTRIAN HYMN D



We Work for Jobs with Justice Now
Genesis 1:27; Exodus 6:2-8

We work for jobs with justice now, for true equality;
come, Sister-Brother Spirit, come, and help us all be free.

We join together, claiming power, as workers we unite;
come, Sister-Brother Spirit, come, restore our human rights.

We work to stop injustice now, to end oppressive ways;
come, Sister-Brother Spirit, come, and guide to better days.

Come, Sister-Brother Spirit, come, and heal our wounded past;
together we shall overcome, and all be free at last.                                    

We are claiming the promised land; we are claiming the promised land;
come, sisters, brothers, hand in hand; we are claiming the promised land.