May Peace Prevail on Earth: An Update from Shell Ridge Community Church

On Sunday, September 15, in Walnut Creek, California, a handmade peace pole was dedicated at Shell Ridge Community Church, a long-time Partner Congregation of the BPFNA.  The peace pole was a project for Matthew Adams to acquire his Eagle Scout Award. 

Though you can order a pre-made peace pole, Matt wanted his to be handmade. He designed and managed the building of the pole, which involved more than 25 people from the church and his scout troop volunteering over 240 hours of labor. The pole exhibits the phrase “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in eight languages plus Braille.  During the dedication worship service, people of the congregation spoke the phrase in their own languages, and it was also signed in ASL.


LeDayne McLeese Polaski, Program Coordinator of the BPFNA, delivered the sermon and led the dedication service during morning worship. Judson Day and Cody Sanders, members of the BPFNA board of directors, also attended the service.

The dedication culminated the year-long project which drew together many members of the church who helped with financial support, planning, and labor. BPFNA  and Shell Ridge members Carol Eklund and Wendy Neale played a significant role.

The peace dove on the top of the pole was hand carved and given in loving memory of the Rev. Gerald L. Neale by his family in gratitude for his example of being a peacemaker and an advocate for justice.  Jerry was a BPFNA member.

Click here to learn more about peace poles.