Former BPFNA Business Manager Receives Peace Award

Congratulations to Steve Jacobsen, current BPFNA member and former business manager, for being honored at the Center for Nonviolent Living's tenth-annual Peacemaker Awards and Picnic on Sunday, July 15, 2012.

Based in Lewisburg, Pa, the Center for Nonviolent Living recognizes two community members each year who have demonstrated a life-long commitment to peacework. Steve was recognized for his years of leadership in the peace and justice movement as a teacher and activist. Honored along with him was Rabbi Nina Mandel, whose focus is on intercultural community building and who is a major voice for compassion, tolerance and peace.

Steve worked as the business manager for the Baptist Peace Fellowship from 1995 to 1998. Before joining the BPFNA staff, he taught physics at Lewisburg High School. Currently, Steve serves as the BPFNA representative on the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s National Council and is an active participant and mediator at the Central Susquehanna Valley Meditation Center.

BPFNAPeacemakers, Members