
Social Justice Liturgy Resources


Recursos litúrgicos sobre justicia social



  • EarthSong

    This recorded service launches the Season of Creation (2020) at Church of the Redeemer in Toronto, ON Canada.

  • Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit

    This toolkit is based off the Gun Violence Prevention Congregation Toolkit from the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. It includes education resources for your setting, suggestions for print and online resources, plus films to screen in your church or community, as well as three small group options. Pastoral and worship tools are also here for your use as well as several action items and additional resources.

  • Journey to Justice: From Black America to Palestine

    Resources from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference

  • Resources on Mass Incarceration

    From the Christian Community Development Association

  • Queer & Faithful?: Pride Festival Flyer  

    This flyer was created as a resource for the many churches in our network that participate in Pride events. It offers a faith-based message of welcome and affirmation, suggests the AWAB web site as a place to find a welcoming church, mentions the new edition of Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth as a resource for more information, and gives room for you to write in your own church information. Permission to make copies is given to all welcoming and affirming churches.

  • Bible Study Manual in Conflict Transformation (available in several languages)

    Developed by Dan Buttry, who is the Global Consultant for Peace and Justice with International Ministries of the American Baptist Churches. He and his wife Sharon regularly lead Conflict Transformation trainings all over the world with the goal of mobilizing others to go back to their homes and mediate conflict in their communities.

  • Building Friendships Across Cultural Lines: A Handbook for Churches

    Exploring God's call to welcome the stranger in our midst: a guide for faith communities encountering refugees from Myanmar/Burma (or other immigrant populations).

  • Take Action: Public Policy Action Guide

    Your one-stop tool for engaging in faith-based advocacy! This resource, created by the United Church of Christ's Justice & Witness Ministries and Wider Church Ministries, provides tips, tools, and theological insights for understanding our call to work for justice through public policy advocacy. Tips for engaging in organizing and getting your message heard by decision makers are included.

  • Resources for Refugee Resettlement in Canada and the United States

    If you are interested in countering hatred by helping a family to resettle, here are some resources that can help.

  • Readings on Decolonization

    A reading list of excellent reading material about the decolonization struggle in Canada, compiled by Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society.

  • DIVIDED WE FALl (film)

    DIVIDED WE FALL tells the heart-wrenching story of Balbir Singh Sodhi and hundreds of others in the aftermath of 9/11. It shows how communities responded to devastating hate with #revolutionarylove.

  • A Church Stands With Its People (documentary)

    During World War II, thousands of men, women and children of Japanese descent were unjustly imprisoned, by executive order, in U.S. internment camps because of wartime hysteria and fear that they would serve as spies for the country of their heritage. Subjected to harsh living conditions, Japanese immigrants in the camps included parents of American-born young men fighting in U.S. military units. Two-thirds of those interned, born on American soil, were U.S. citizens. Society turned its back, but American Baptist missionaries stood with the oppressed, affirming them as brothers and sisters in Christ, and ministering to their needs.

  • Act of Faith: The Reverend Emery Andrews Story (documentary)

    The story of Rev. Emery Andrews who stood in solidarity interned persons of Japanese descent during WWII.

  • A Guide to Calling Your Government Officials

    Adapted from the Action Checklist for Americans of Conscience blog and a blog by former US congressional staffers.

  • BPFNA Postcards (colorGrayscale)

    Use these postcards to write to your Senators and Representatives and let them know your concerns as people of faith. These print 4 to a page.

  • White Privilege: Let’s Talk (video series)

    Join Rev. John Dorhauer, Rev. Traci Blackmon and other national cross-denominatonal leaders in this webinar series on white privilege. They will lead us through four areas of focus: telling the story of your spiritual journey through the lens of race; looking at the dynamic of a culture in which whiteness is the established norm; learning how American attaches a cash value to whiteness; and inviting the participants to commit to becoming an ally in the pursuit of racial equity.

  • Finding Steady Ground

    When we’re in bad shape, our power is diminished — we’re less creative, more reactive, and less able to plan strategically. If we intend to stay active and effective in the world, we have a responsibility to tend to our spirits. Here are 7 behaviors we can use right away to strengthen ourselves, so we can keep taking more and more powerful and strategic actions.

  • Five Ways to Disrupt Racism (video)

    This short film offers five practical ways you can help combat racism and be an ally in times when people are under attack.

  • Interrupting Islamophobia

    Remember this comic the next time you witness Islamophobia in public.

  • PAPNET TouR (video)

    The Pan African Peace Network (PAPNET) has been a partner with BPFNA since it was formed in Kenya in 2013. Watch this musical slideshow about the work of PAPNET to give you a flavor of the peacework happening in many African countries.

  • On the Evils of Drone Warfare

    Videos and other resources from the Interfaith Network on Drone Warfare.


  • En Busca De Paz Por Medio De La Transformacion De Conflictos (¡que está disponible en varios idiomas diferentes!)

    Este manual fue desarrollado por nuestro amigo Dan Buttry, que es el Consultor Mundial para la Paz y Justicia con Ministerios Internacionales de las Iglesias Bautistas Americanas. Él y su esposa Sharon regularmente conducen entrenamientos en transformación de conflictos en todo el mundo con el objetivo de movilizar a otros a volver a sus hogares y mediar conflictos en sus comunidades.

  • Postales BPFNA (colorescala de grises)

    Use estas postales para escribir a sus senadores y representantes y hágales saber sus preocupaciones como personas de fe. Estos imprimen 4 a una página.

  • Buscando terreno firme

    Cuando estamos mal, nuestro poder disminuye, nuestra creatividad se reduce, respondemos de manera reactiva y no proactiva y perdemos nuestra habilidad de planear de forma estratégica. Si nuestra intención es mantener nuestra capacidad de acción y efectividad en el mundo, tenemos la responsabilidad de cuidar nuestros espíritus. Por ello, aquí proponemos siete hábitos que podemos adoptar de manera inmediata para fortalecernos y tener la capacidad de realizar acciones cada vez más poderosas y estratégicas.
