En el apogeo de la pandemia de coronavirus en abril de 2020, y con el apoyo de BPFNA y otros socios, CLA se acercó con ayuda y apoyo entre los refugiados de Sudán del Sur en el norte de Uganda. El objetivo del proyecto era sensibilizar a las comunidades de refugiados y de acogida sobre el COVID-19, proporcionar artículos de higiene para prevenir su propagación y proporcionar raciones de alimentos de maíz y soja para las granjas en el cierre. Aunque esperábamos llegar a más familias, pudimos marcar una gran diferencia para 120 familias. Logramos distribuirles 8000 kilogramos de mezcla de maíz y soja, 4000 kilogramos de azúcar y 4000 kilogramos de frijoles secos.
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Faith – that quest for significance and security, both in the here and now and the hereafter, in transcendence – is intrinsic to being human. Even the most avowed atheists will acknowledge that deep within their sense of being, there is a hunger and thirst for relationship with something beyond them. The most obvious is the human longing for love because there is something transcendent about love. The human quest for meaning from transcendence, in the face of a monstrous and inexplicable natural disaster, catastrophe or plague, is therefore a natural instinct. It is the way to cope or deal with the panic, fear and uncertainty created by the catastrophe; faith is an essential part of human arsenal for fight or flight.
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Read MoreThe training was held in the Amudat District also known as Karamoja cluster due to mixture of pastoralist grazing their livestock together. It borders Kenya in the West and Uganda in the North East. The region is populated by three tribe communities (Karamoja, Pokot and Turkana) located along the border of Kenya and Uganda. Karomoja tribes are the majority while Pokot and Turkana are minorities in the region. Access to pastures and water for the livestock of the minority groups have been minimalized by the majority group. This has caused daily conflict over sharing of the resources.
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