Posts tagged Faith


Christians have relied so frequently on the words “save” and “saved” that we regard God as a great rescuer who pulls us back from the abyss, the lifeguard who grabs us when the waves are too threatening. We feel sad, rejected and angry when bad stuff happens, especially widespread and long-lasting bad stuff like the corona virus, and we blame God for allowing it to go on. I believe that it is time – indeed, it is long past time – to give up this view of God.


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Faith in the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic


Faith – that quest for significance and security, both in the here and now and the hereafter, in transcendence – is intrinsic to being human. Even the most avowed atheists will acknowledge that deep within their sense of being, there is a hunger and thirst for relationship with something beyond them. The most obvious is the human longing for love because there is something transcendent about love. The human quest for meaning from transcendence, in the face of a monstrous and inexplicable natural disaster, catastrophe or plague, is therefore a natural instinct. It is the way to cope or deal with the panic, fear and uncertainty created by the catastrophe; faith is an essential part of human arsenal for fight or flight.


Solo inglés.


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A Time to Fear and A Time to Trust • Un Tiempo para Temer y un Tiempo para Confiar


Now that God’s creation is out of balance, our inner spiritual self yearns for security and hope. Our Lord encounters us and is present in our most intimate spaces to embrace us, to shelter us and cast out our fears for we are much loved! And while it is important to follow the directives from our respective governments –– social distancing, staying at home, washing our hands, trying to keep the most vulnerable from becoming sick and hoping to avoid overburdening our healthcare systems –– know that everything is in the hands of our Lord and Savior.


Ahora que la creación de Dios está fuera de balance, nuestro ser espiritual interior anhela seguridad y esperanza. ¡Nuestro Señor nos encuentra y está presente en nuestros espacios más íntimos para abrazarnos, protegernos y expulsar nuestros temores porque somos muy amados! Y si bien es importante seguir las directivas de nuestros respectivos gobiernos–– distanciamiento social, quedarse en casa, lavarnos las manos, tratar de evitar que los más vulnerables se enfermen y con la esperanza de evitar sobrecargar nuestros sistemas de atención médica– sabemos que todo está en las manos de nuestro Señor y Salvador.


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Many Cultures, One Faith • Muchas Culturas, Una Fe


For future church, to me it is not necessarily changing how we think about what we do or changing traditions, but how we take our Christianity and ourselves into the world. How we pass on what we know to the next generation. Like in the scripture that has the rock as the foundation, because without a strong foundation we can’t build.


Para la iglesia del futuro, para mí no necesariamente está cambiando la forma en que pensamos sobre lo que hacemos o están cambiando las tradiciones, sino cómo llevamos nuestro cristianismo y a nosotros mismos al mundo. Cómo transmitimos lo que sabemos a la próxima generación. Como en las escrituras que tienen a la roca como base, porque sin una base sólida no podemos construir.


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