Posts tagged Trans Rights
True Equality Means Lifting up ALL Women • La verdadera igualdad significa elevar a TODAS las mujeres


Throughout history, women in every part of the world have made great strides, sometimes in spite of a significant lack of equality. With the help of women such as Lucretia Mott, Rosa Parks, and Marsha P. Johnson, the gap in equality in areas such as gender, race, and sexual orientation has become more and more narrow. Currently, we are very fortunate that these women and so many more have made these strides, but we still have a long way to go - and part of it comes from the way we approach feminism even among each other as women.


A lo largo de la historia, las mujeres de todas partes del mundo han logrado grandes avances, a veces a pesar de una importante falta de igualdad. Con la ayuda de mujeres como Lucretia Mott, Rosa Parks y Marsha P. Johnson, la brecha en la igualdad en áreas como género, raza y orientación sexual se ha vuelto cada vez más estrecha. Actualmente, somos muy afortunadass y afortunados de que estas mujeres y muchas más hayan logrado estos avances, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer, y parte de ello proviene de la forma en que abordamos el feminismo incluso entre nosotras como mujeres.


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An Interview with Lem Arnold • Una Entrevista con Lem Arnold


Lem Arnold grew up in Houston and Port Arthur, TX. He went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for undergraduate school and returned to Houston to attend medical school at the University of Texas at Houston. Lem worked as a pediatrician for about 30 years before retiring in 2016. He and his partner Pat live in Lafayette, GA.


Lem Arnold creció en Houston y Port Arthur, TX. Él fue al Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT) para la escuela de estudiante y volvió a Houston para asistir a la escuela de medicina en la Universidad de Texas en Houston. Lem trabajó como pediatra durante unos 30 años antes de retirarse en 2016. Él y su pareja Pat viven en Lafayette, GA.


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Two Cookies


My kid was finally ready to go live at school as his true gender self. We were following the plan: new haircut, teachers and administrators on board. At the last minute he hung on the door of the minivan and didn't want to get out, so we said the verse together he had picked out for his transition (Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid, because God will be with you wherever you go”) and he got his courage up. We happened to walk into school with a BFF and dad, then climbed the steps together to the 5th grade hall, where the guidance counselor was hanging out in the classroom as planned, and the teacher gave me the signal.


Solo en inglés.


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As Baptists


As Baptists, we are called to take seriously the words of scripture and to appeal to the spirit of God and to our community to interpret the meaning of those words in our lives. In studying scripture, one of the most pervasive themes we find is that of the importance of offering hospitality. While that might invoke thoughts of the uptown Hilton, in fact, the theme of hospitality in scripture involves welcome and preparation, it involves kindness and an effort to meet the needs of those in one’s care, and, significantly, it involves protection, especially protection of those who are most vulnerable. As mere stewards of that which is God’s, we are called to treat each other as family, and to provide welcome for every person as if he or she were our brother or sister.


Solo en inglés.


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