In Comitán you do not have to ask for fresh products to be delivered to your home. From time immemorial, "the basket makers" have come to your house offering you products (fruits, vegetables, flowers, seeds, legumes, sweet herbs), which they themselves cut or collect, hours before, in their orchards and cornfields. In times of the pandemic, the basket makers have had some difficulties because the departure times of public transport are further spaced and the number of passengers has been restricted in order to guarantee, as far as possible, a healthy distance. Some communities initially took very strict measures regarding people going in and out, but being unable to make it economically, they have to be lax about mobility bans.
En Comitán no tienes que pedir que te lleven productos frescos a domicilio. Desde tiempos inmemoriales pasan a tu casa "las canasteras" ofreciéndote productos (frutas, verduras, flores, semillas, leguminosas, hierbas de olor), que ellas mismas cortan o recolectan, horas antes, en sus huertos y milpas. En tiempos de pandemia, las canasteras han tenido algunas dificultades porque se han espaciado los tiempos de salida del transporte público y se ha restringido el número de pasajeros para poder garantizar, en lo que cabe, la sana distancia. Algunas comunidades tomaron, al inicio, medidas muy estrictas respecto de la gente que sale y entra, pero al no poder ahogarse económicamente, tienen que ser laxas en las prohibiciones de movilidad.
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